
Supercharge your prep for your consulting dream job.

15,000+ clients served over 15 years. 80% of premium coaching clients receive offers.

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The leading global resource for consulting resumes, interviews, case studies, salaries, skills training and getting management consulting jobs, relied upon by:

3M+ Readers Annually

80+ Top Universities

50+ Consulting Firms

Coaching That Leads to Offers

60% of our premium coaching clients receive offers from McKinsey, Bain or BCG. (Overall, MBB accepts 1-2% of all applicants). Want to walk into your interview with confidence? There are limited slots left for March – start working with us today 


Resumes That Open Doors

Your resume must tell a compelling story to stand out. Fortunately, our team of editors are expert storytellers. We highlight your wins and help your professional journey and personality shine through.


Services That Transform Companies

From skills and presentation training, to talent sourcing, custom compensation studies, and brand awareness campaigns, we work with consulting firms and partners across the F500 to build and retain high-performing teams.